
As my alarm went off The beeping forcing me out of bed today was the day it was due yet I wasn’t ready. The teacher had said that it was going to be random yet I had a feeling that It would be me I knew it would be me. 

A few weeks earlier 

We had just finished our topic on the kite runner and our class chose to do our speaking topic next we were to work on it till the end of term and present at the start of term three my class started by doing speaking games then we were told to write the speech we had like 6 hour of class so I thought I don’t need that much time I can write a speech in an hour why not play solitaire so that’s what I did then It came to the last the last couple of periods and you know how it is at the end of the term you don’t want to do work you just want to relaxes and go on holiday so I decided screw it I can do write it in the holidays 

how ever that’s when procrastination set in and everyday Id go to work on it and end up watching youtube until it was the start of of the first week back and I still hadn’t started but luckily we weren’t going to start presenting till thursday so plenty of time to learn it make q cards and all that other crap 

Then wednesday night rolled around and thats when the pressure set in cos I still hadn’t really made Q cards or even timed myself so I am more or less screwed at this point unless the school burns down or it snows and school gets canceled 

Then the morning came and I had a feeling in my gut saying your going to have to present today you are screwed and by this point it was late to do any work on my speech and i’m going to have to talk extremely slowly if I want to reach the 6 minute as I left my house it was fairly cold like around one degree and this doesn’t help my concentration as I try to remember my speech 

With just 15 minutes left before it was due the printer was still spewing out paper but then the bell rang and there was no more time to procrastinate there was nothing I could do 

As I sat in the classroom my heart rate began to quick with every passing second until she drew the first name and it wasn’t me I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my chest then she read the next name and again not me and again and again but just as I felt that the pressure was off and that  I wood have another day to practice she read my name 

The whole time that the other students were presenting I was just going over my speech and again and again until it was my turn. As a walked towards the front of the room my heart rate doubled with every step then I reached the front of the class as I looked out I could see their eyes all staring at me I could hear my heart beating as the class went silent I could feel my sweat running down my face then I breathed out and started 

And you know the speech wasn’t going terribly I stuttered a few times but that’s when disaster struck I dropped my Q cards and I hadn’t numbered them I scrambled around on the ground trying reorganise them as the class sat in silence all there eyes staring at me as I stood up I continued on with my speech but my mind blanked and I couldn’t remember the next line and I had to improvise and that didn’t go well I ended about 30 seconds too short.

A week later

the teacher was going around the room handing out our grades then she got to me I could see the disappointment in her face as she put the upside-down piece of paper on my desk I knew my grade was on the other side. I flipped the piece of paper and when I looked down there was a big NA in red and I realized that was four credits wasted gone.

1 Comment

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Hey Patrick,

Nice! I think the ‘karma’ vibe I get from this speech!

At this stage, I think you should be kind to yourself and give yourself a bit of a time buffer.

As we discussed in class, you can build some of those setting details up and include a few more details around the climax point.

We also talked about making the ending stronger and using that time change as you have done at the beginning of the speech.

Mrs P

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