
question: how does andrew niccol encode his ideas in the visual language of his flim gattaca

during the play gattaca andrew niccol shows his ideas through visual features one of these is the staircase that is in the home of the main character venict the shape of this staircase is in a helix. throughout the play the storyline is heavily based on genetic perfection and this staircase is a visual feature that shows this because the helix is well known as the shape of the genetic coding or DNA. during the 20th centry there was an influx of descoverys that were related to eugenics which is the scince of improving the human race though changing the genetic code. this idea was adopted by many such as hitler,the ottoman empire and the australians. all three of these situations arose due to one race thinking they were superion to another. for the ottoman empire the turks who where based in moden day turkey where lead to belive that they were superior than the arabs that were based in countrys that they had ivaded and taken over. this lead to the turks killing more than one million arabs. another example of this was during ww2 and nazi germany this happend because hitler took control of the country germany and estblished a dictator ship with him as a leader. during ww1 hitler had been a soldier and was extremly patronistic for his coutry he was wounded one day on the battle fiuld and when he was healed back at a military hospital in germany he found that they were agenst the war. he blambed this on the jews. he thought that the races of the world were set in a pirimid with the aryan race at the top and the jews and slavs at the bottem. one of his aims was to greatly increase the aryan race to do this he decided that he needed to decrease that populatyion of other races this lead to the holocaust were 6 million jew were killed and another 6 million from other races. my last example of this is the stolen generation which occured in australia. when english settlers arived on the shores of australia they were greated by the Aboriginal which were the native people who had already settled in australia. many of these settlers had children with the Aboriginal this lead to a generation that was half brown and half white. this was unexeptable to the british based goverment that was in charge. to solve this the goverment tried to breed out hte brown side because they were thought to be racialy inferor this proses

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